Monday, January 27, 2020

The Non Traditional Student

The Non Traditional Student This chapter reviews relevant studies and literature on the experiences of nontraditional students as they make their way towards the completion of their undergraduate degree. An overview of the characteristics of nontraditional students compared to traditional students is made. Furthermore, the barriers towards completion and the support systems needed are examined for nontraditional female students. Finally, theoretical and empirical literature on barriers experienced and the support systems helpful in overcoming barriers towards completion are presented. The Non-Traditional Student in the 21st Century While the higher education system is designed to reflect the needs and experiences of traditional students (Choy, 2002), the influx of non-traditional students has spurred adjustments within higher education (Bowl, 2011). College recruitments and operations still revolve around the traditional student as evidenced by Web pages, campus newspapers, admissions information, and even administrative hours (Hagedorn, 2005). Studies have even purported to the traditional path toward an undergraduate degree as exception, rather than the rule (Horn Carroll, 1996, p. 14). Nonetheless, despite the fact that mature students aged 25 years old and above are now becoming a common sight in college and university campuses, their concerns are still not properly addressed by higher education institutions (Kilgore Rice, 2003). Studies focusing on the experiences and needs of adult learners and nontraditional students have been conducted since the early 1980s (Cross, 1981; Bean Metzner, 1985). Despite the empirical attention the subject has gained, operational definitions used in the studies have varied considerably, hence, the lack of a consistent definition of the nontraditional student (Bowl, 2001). In the U.S. context, the Department of Education (2002) has defined the nontraditional student as having the following characteristics: 1) delayed enrollment, 2) part-time enrollment, 3) financial independence, 4) full-time employment while enrolled, 5) dependents, 6) single parent, and 7) high school graduation status. Further to this, Horn and Carroll (1996) placed the nontraditional definition along a continuum and suggested that those possessing one of the above-mentioned attributes are considered minimally nontraditional; those having two to three attributes are moderately nontraditional; and those havi ng four or more attributes are considered highly nontraditional. For this particular study, the group of interest is the highly nontraditional group particularly female, aged over 30 and below 61, with dependents, delayed enrollment in college, and employed full-time while pursuing a college degree. Both quantitative and qualitative studies on nontraditional students have more or less painted a common picture of some of their experiences. For in The picture presented by quantitative research is complemented by the insights provided by recent qualitative studies in which a variety of factors which seem to explored. Many writers refer to the extra commitments for which adult students have responsibility; for example, the logistics of running a family and managing family care arrangements, problems with access to library facilities and feelings of isolation often feel tensions between course and family commitments (Ashcroft and Peacock 1993). In addition, mature female students may experience particular problems when family members do not accept the personal growth that takes place as a result of and competing demands, the high level of commitment of mature students is often cited as a contributory factor to the good performance of these students (Powell, 1992; Bullough and Knowles, 1990). Additionally, some older students come to higher education with a powerful personal history of anxiety about a low school performance (Gardner and Pickering, 1991); mature students often feel they have not entered university by the normal way, but have come in through the back door, and consequently feel the need to prove themselves by doing as well as possible (Ashcroft and Peacock, 1993). Once adults have made the decision to enter higher education, they are faced with innumerable threats to their success. While traditional undergraduates are generally able to direct most of their energy toward their studies, older students, parents (especially single parents), and students who work full time have family and work responsibilities competing with school for their time, energy, and financial resources (Choy, 2002). Unlike their more traditional counterparts, nontraditional students often encounter situational, dispositional, and institutional barriers to persistence with little or no support services available to them from their school (Kilgore Rice, 2003). However, when preparation and life-skills are taken into account, traditional students seem to be less prepared for higher education. Many students perceptions of higher education are skewed and based on stereotypical assumptions. These perceptions are typically based on their experiences in secondary education. Many believe that college will be moderately difficult academically, and extremely exciting socially (Laing 2005). Traditional students also perceive the teachers and learning environment at a higher education institution to be similar to their high school. This often results in many students (due in part to their previous educational experiences) will have entered higher education without having taken responsibility for their own learning (Laing 2005:170). A study performed by Bowl (2001) points to the need for institutional change if non-traditional students are to thrive within a system that purports to be directed toward widening participation (p. 141). Bowl (2001) found that non-traditional students are frustrated with the lack of change and improvements that their respective higher education institutions are will to make. Entering into higher education, for non-traditional students can result in a feeling of powerlessness, as well as a struggle for personal, academic, financial and emotional survival (Bowl, 2001, p. 142). The definition of a nontraditional student varies. This study utilized Horns (1996) classification strata, which defined a nontraditional student as an individual who, at a minimum, possesses one of the following characteristics: (a) has delayed enrollment following high school graduation, (b) is a part-time student for at least a part of the academic year, (c) works 35 hours or more per week while enrolled, (d) is considered financially independent under financial aid qualification guidelines, and (e) is a de facto single parent. Horn (1996) delineated nontraditional status as minimally nontraditional (possesses only one characteristic), moderately nontraditional (possesses two or three characteristics), and highly nontraditional (possesses four or more). A traditional student was defined as one who, upon completing high school, immediately enrolled full-time in college, relied upon his or her parents for financial support, and did not usually work during the school year. Barriers Experienced by Non-Traditional Students Susan Weil (1986, 1989) examined the impact of informal learning on non-traditional students expectations and experiences of higher education entry. She described the disjunction between the home and early schooling experiences of research participants and how this disjunction may also be felt by those moving into higher education. According to her, entering higher education can be a shock, accompanied by a sense of personal powerlessness. Evidence from other research with non-traditional students, indicates that higher education is experienced in different ways than by standard, 18 year-old entrants (Macdonald and Stratta, 1998; Pascall and Cox, 1993). It is seen initially, at any rate, as a struggle for personal, academic, financial and emotional survival. Situational Barriers Family, job, and finances all play a part in determining situational barriers. Household income, the number of dependents in the household, and the financial aid received by the students are all variables that determine the persistence rate of adult students (Carney-Crompton Tan, 2002). Although other variables can be negotiated, income levels cannot. The basic needs of the family, like food and rent or mortgage, take a priority over educational expenditures. Time and energy spent trylng to make ends meet, for example, can drain the most dedicated student. Additionally, parents feel guilt about being unavailable when their children need them with mothers of children younger than thirteen feeling the most role conflict (Terrell, 1990). The age of the children may well determine the persistence of women; those with older children may persist to graduation, whereas women with younger child may interrupt or stop their education (Carney-Crompton Tan, 2002). Both a blessing and a curse, employment may have a positive psychological effect on adults, but at the cost of most of their spare time. In addition, nontraditional students my have to make career compromises for the sake of both their families and their academic work (Terrell, 1990), leading to health and financial consequences. Women are often laden with a disproportionate burden of household tasks and caregiver responsibilities (Carney-Crompton Tan, 2002) when attending college. Managing multiple roles may be a source of stress for nontraditional female students. Parents may feel guilty about being unavailable when their children need them, with mothers of children under thirteen reporting the most conflict (Terrell, 1990). Women with older children may persist to graduation, whereas those with younger children may interrupt their education to fulfill family responsibilities (Carney-Crompton Tan, 2002; Home, 1998). Jacobs and King (2002) name several reasons why nontraditional females over age 25 are at-risk of leaving college before degree completion. The biggest risk for older students is part-time attendance. Nontraditional female students without children and attending college full-time have about the same chance of completing college as those in their early twenties. Jacobs and King believe that older women, enrolled part time, who delayed entry into college, and who have become mothers are much less likely to complete their degrees (p. 222). Dispositional Barriers Dispositional barriers are intrapersonal and, consequently, much harder to define. Full-time students report role overload, and student, family, and job demands all contribute to role contagion (Home, 1998). Many full-time students are unable to full anticipate the effects of their combined role demands. In contrast to jobs with fixed hours, student and family demands never seem to end. Increases in roles, demands, and time conflicts are associated with high stress, anxiety, and depression for adult female students (Carney-Crompton Tan, 2002). Because adult students may never find a cohort of similar students with whom they can connect socially or emotionally, support from family and friends is essential when adults are making the decision to stay in school or to drop out. Carney-Crompton and Tan (2002) report that traditional-aged students have more supportive individuals available in their lives than do adult students. Nontraditional students have little or no time to make connections on a college campus. One caring person who answers questions and offers advice may be viewed as a life preserver in a sea of stress and confusion; however, it may be difficult for older adults to find a suitable mentor. Learners construct their experience in the context of particular social settings, cultural values, and economic and political circumstances. As well as being the foundation for learning, experience also distorts, constrains and limits. One example of the limiting power of experience was manifested through the LAST students negative attitude to aspects of the course in terms of content and process. The former was said to be too abstract and the latter too formal and didactic. The issue here, therefore, was one of disposition towards the course. ( Bamber Tett, 2000) Institutional Barriers When asked about the lack of student support services available to nontraditional students at UW-Stout, a representative from the Admissions Office described a fundamental institutional barrier: Schools are not structured to accommodate adult students. (Personal communication) Institutional barriers are systematic barriers that exclude adults or make it difficult for them to successfully navigate through their higher education (Kilgore Rice, 2003). For example, office and class hours that do not meet the needs of students who work and/or care for family members. Adult students may show up for evening and weekend classes and find darkened building whose only lighting is the classroom for the course. The business, financial aid, academic advising, and other student support offices have been closed since five oclock. This example illustrates a lack of not only understanding about the needs of adult learners but also awareness of the students themselves. Even the way assignments are giv en in classes might be considered an institutional barrier and unusually stressful for nontraditional students; for example, group work. Using small groups in student cooperative learning enterprises has become a major trend in American higher education (Cheng Warren, 2000). Despite this increase in frequency, a pilot-study conducted at University of Wisconsin-Stout revealed a litany of complaints by students about group projects (Droege, 2006). In fact, the term grouphate has been coined to indicate the negative attitude that many students have about group work (King Behnke, 2004). This attitude stems from the feeling that group work implies a loss of individual control resulting, in part, from the need to spend time tutoring less competent group members. In most cases, the only way to combat this lack of control is to assume full responsibility for completing the assignment on your own. Ultimately, whether you choose to take control of the group or the leadership role is thrust upon you, there is an added degree of stress that is absent from the other members of the group (Droege). On the plus side, research also confirms a number of benefits to group work. Among others, those benefits that have been identified in the literature include the following: students learn teamwork skills, improve their critical thinking skills, gain more insight about a particular topic, and further develop their social skills. Studies show that employers want college graduates to have developed teamwork skills, and advocates of collaborative learning suggest that this educational strategy affords students a first-hand experience to gain these skills (Payne, Monk-Turner, Smith, Sumter, 2000). Furthermore, it is believed that group projects can effectively serve as a bridge between the academic community and the business world (Page Donelan, 2003). Ideally, working with their peers as part of a group, students will learn decision making skills and how to communicate more effectively with one another. These findings have important practical implications. As suggested by Zepke and Leach (2005), the crucial importance of building relationships also requires the institutional culture to adapt. It is important that the teaching staff help the non-traditional students understand the value of proactive behavior in their university life, through specific tutorial initiatives. Multi-role students who have little time for university activities may sometimes find it difficult to identify the best behaviors to achieve academic success. If setting aside time for oneself has proven to be one of the most frequently cited difficulties among the interviewees, helping these students to recognize the value of investing in social relationships in the community could be an important objective for the university. Research exploring the reasons for student withdrawal tends to conclude that there is rarely a single reason why students leave. In most cases, the picture is complex, and students leave as a result of a combination of inter-related factors. The most comprehensive national survey of students withdrawing from university was conducted by Yorke in the mid-1990s (n = 2151) (Yorke et al 1997). It identified the five most significant reasons for student non-completion: incompatibility between the student and institution, lack of preparation for the higher education experience, lack of commitment to the course, financial hardship and poor academic progress. Yorke and Longdens more recent survey (2008) identified the following seven factors as contributing to early withdrawal: poor quality learning experience; not coping with academic demand; wrong choice of field of study; unhappy with location and environment; dissatisfied with institutional resourcing; problems with finance and employment ; and problems with social integration. Davies and Elias (2002) obtained similar findings (with a sample of over 1 500 students). In their survey, the main factors for leaving were: a mistaken choice of course (24%), financial problems directly related to participating in higher education (18%), and personal problems (14%). More recently, the National Audit Office (NAO) (2007) identified seven types of reasons why students withdraw: personal reasons, lack of integration, dissatisfaction with course/institution, lack of preparedness, wrong choice of course, financial reasons and in order to pursue other opportunities. In summary, the reasons for early withdrawal are. Levels of Support Connecting Classroom Student support includes academic support, skills development, pastoral support, financial information, advice and support. Support may be delivered by dedicated, professional staff (e.g. student services), by academic staff (e.g. personal tutor), by peers (e.g. via mentoring schemes) or via the students union. There are different models of providing both academic and pastoral support: separate, semi-integrated and integrated curriculum models (Warren 2002, Earwaker 1993). Integrated approaches are favoured, as research shows that many students who would benefit from academic and other support services are reluctant to put themselves forward (Dodgson and Bolam, 2002). Personal tutoring is central to establishing a relationship between students and the institution, and providing a first point of contact (Dodgson and Bolam 2002, Yorke and Thomas 2003, Thomas and Hixenbaugh 2006). Teacher Support Work on personal tutoring has drawn on institutional research and evaluation of practice (Thomas and Hixenbaugh 2006). These studies are remarkably consistent in finding that:  · tutoring enhances many students learning experience and improves retention, progression and success  · traditional models of tutoring are no longer appropriate or fit for purpose  · new models of tutoring should be student-centred, integrated into the curriculum, connected to professional services and proactively engage students, especially as they make the transition into HE  · staff need to be involved in the development of new tutoring systems, and provided with guidance, training and support to enable them to fulfil their new roles, in a wider range of contexts and modes of delivery. Other research on academic study support also identifies the value of integrated or semi-integrated approaches (see below). Curriculum development is at the heart of what institutions can do to improve student retention and success. For many students, their academic interactions are the only way in which they interact with the institution, so that learning, teaching, assessment and course content become central to students experience and their decision to stay or leave early. In particular, research evidence points to the importance of: i) Active learning and teaching strategies ii) Formative assessment iii) Relevant courses iv) Integrated personal tutoring and study support v) Flexible learning i) Active learning and teaching strategies Many efforts to improve student retention and success via learning, teaching and assessment approaches focus on promoting greater student engagement in the classroom. This is primarily being undertaken by moving from largely teacher-centred approaches towards student-centred learning practices. There is a consensus that interactive as opposed to didactic teaching improves academic success and promotes the inclusion of learners who might feel like outsiders (Bamber and Tett, 2001; Haggis and Pouget, 2002; Thomas, 2002; Parker et al, 2005). Student-centred learning conceives of students as playing a more active role in their learning processes, and drawing on their existing knowledge, previous experiences and personal interests to enhance engagement, course commitment and retention on the programme. De Corte (2000) (in the context of Belgian schooling) identified the following features of a powerful learning environment. It should:  · include group discussions of both the content and the process of learning and studying  · provide authentic tasks and realistic problems that have personal meaning and future use  · initiate and support active and constructive learning processes (conceptual understanding) and  · enhance students awareness of their own cognitive processes and their ability to control their motives and feelings (cognitive and volitional self-regulation). Active learning is often associated with experiential, problem-based and project-based learning, and other forms of collaborative learning, and less reliance on the large lecture format. Boud and Feletti (1998, p2) identify the key features of a problem-based learning approach as:  · using stimulus material to help students discuss an important problem, question or issue  · presenting the problem as a simulation of professional practice or a real-life situation  · appropriately guiding students critical thinking and providing limited resources to help them learn from defining and attempting to resolve a given problem  · having students work co-operatively as a group, exploring information in and out of class, with access to a tutor who knows the problem well and can facilitate the groups learning process  · getting students to identify their own learning needs and appropriate use of available resources  · reapplying this knowledge to the original problem and evaluating their learning processes. Vincent Tinto has promoted the idea of learning communities as a way of facilitating student engagement both academically and socially. For example, by registering students for the same course or having all new students study the same topic, the entering students form their own self-supporting associations to give each other academic and social support (Tinto, 2000, p28-9). In Tintos work, students found that learning communities had academic and social benefits that impacted positively on student achievement and persistence (Tinto 1998, Tinto 2000). Formative feedback is integrated into the learning experience, and so does not detract from discipline-focused teaching, and it also reaches all students, not just those who have the knowledge and confidence to seek support. Furthermore feedback on formative assessment provides a vehicle for interaction between students and staff, thus helping to develop student familiarity and confidence to approach staff for additional clarification and guidance if necessary. Feedback information can also be used by staff to realign their teaching in response to learners needs (see Russell 2008). Life-World Environment Family Nontraditional students need opportunities to interact with faculty, staff and peers regularly. One of the participants in this study felt that faculty and staff should make themselves more available to students who may have questions or need extra help with assignments. The participant recalled a time when she could not locate any faculty or staff members to answer her question. The experience was incredibly frustrating as the student walked from office to office in search of answers. Departmental faculty and staff should participate in the monthly student forums to answer questions that students may have. Monthly student forums also provide an opportunity for peer interaction among students. Family has been identified as the primary source of support for nontraditional female students. To emulate this type of support, teacher education programs can attempt to create a family atmosphere within the program. A family atmosphere has to be created in every class to build a sense of community among students. The thought of completing two years of coursework individually or as a cohort may be overwhelming for some students. Students have to complete courses one at a time and may need the support of others to do so. Communities are the contexts in which people connect with each other. When nontraditional students feel connected to a place, they tend to invest in their learning (Larrotta, 2009). Social Engagement Harvey and Drew (2006) found that, although social integration is thought to be crucial to student retention and success, it is given comparatively little attention within institutions for example the forming of friendships and the impact of the locality and its social (non-university) facilities are not considered. In the US context, Tinto has established learning communities that study together and these have promoted social, as well as academic, integration. Thomas et al. (2002) found that student services can play a role in promoting social interaction by helping students to locate each other (e.g. mature students, international students etc), by providing social spaces, by offering more flexible and affordable Accommodation options and by compensating for the informal support usually provided by networks of friends. Yorke and Longden (2008) also note the importance of accommodation and living arrangements. Theoretical Framework on Non-Traditional Students Retention This study incorporates two conceptual models (Cross, 1981; Donaldson Graham, 1999) in order to develop a theoretical framework that will examine how nontraditional female students complete their journey towards their college degree. More specifically, this study is concerned with identifying the barriers experienced by these students and in understanding how differing levels of support was helpful in overcoming such barriers. Cross (1981) categorized barriers to participation in adult learning into three areas: institutional, situational, and dispositional. Cross categorization of barriers is one of three works used to form a theoretical framework for the present study. 1. Situationalthose that arise from ones situation or environment at a given point; 2. Institutionalthose practices and procedures that exclude or discourage adults from participating in organized learning activities; and 3. Dispositionalthose related to the attitudes and self-perceptions about one-self as a learner Within the international literature on student retention in higher education, a paradigmatic theoretical framework (Braxton Hirschy, 2004) is Tintos Interactionalist Theory. This theory, in its various revisions (1975, 1988, 1993), identifies the main predictive factor as the level of integration reached by the student in the social and institutional context of academia. In relation to the synthesis proposed by Braxton, Milem, and Sullivan (2000), much empirical evidence currently particularly supports the hypothesis that the degree of the students social integration in the campus community influences the level of commitment during the academic journey and thus the likelihood of successfully completing that journey. However, this model was developed mostly in relation to traditional students and to residential academic contexts, and doubts have been expressed about the validity of generalizing its constructs to explain attrition among non-traditional students (Bean Metzner, 1985; Cabrera, Nora Castaneda, 1993; Donaldson, Graham, Kasworm, Dirkx, 1999; Sandler, 2000; Taniguchi Kaufman, 2005). Donaldson and Grahams (1999) model of college outcomes for adults proposed a framework to examine and assess the key elements affecting the learning of undergraduate nontraditional students. The model takes into consideration the adults preexisting conditions and motives, cognition, classroom engagement, influences of reallife experience, and the outcomes that they observe and experience as a result of college experiences (Donaldson, Graham, Kasworm, Dirkx, 1999). The model draws on the work of Kasworm (1995) who investigated adults experiences and outcomes from undergraduate education. The model examines the relationships among six major elements related to adults undergraduate collegiate experiences: (a) Prior Experience Personal Biographies, (b) Psychosocial and Value Orientations, (c) Adults Cognition, (d) the Connecting Classroom, (e) the Life-World Environment, and (f) the Outcomes. The Connecting Classroom is the central avenue for social engagement and for negotiating meaning for learning. Adults use the classroom to define the separation between academic and life-world knowledge structures (schemata). They use academic knowledge structures to illuminate and elaborate existing life-world structures and transform both real-world and academic knowledge structures into new, integrative structures and meaning. For nontraditional students, the classroom defines the college experience (Kasworm, 1997). The classroom serves as the pivotal hinge with adults utilizing their various roles in life such as student, worker, citizen, and family member to make meaning of their college experience (Kasworm, 1997; Donaldson Graham, 1999). The Life-World Environment encompasses current work, family, and community situations and settings or the different roles and contexts in which adults work and live. Adults have out-of-class social settings that support their entrance or return to higher education; individuals in these settings include family members, coworkers, supervisors, and community members. These levels of support can detract from or enhance the elements of the psychosocial and value orientations component when adults engage in collegiate experiences (Donaldson Graham, 1999). Summary

Sunday, January 19, 2020

RE: Letter to the editor Essay

In reply to your letter, I would like to inform you, that the policy regarding the removal of Aboriginal children was not as you stated. As soon as a child was born, they were considered a ward of the state because of their Aboriginality. The policy of Assimilation was established in 1911 for the removal of children from their community to extinguish their culture. This is also known as Genocide, but was not seen that way until the policy was removed in the mid 1960s. Bessy Flower was born in 1943, and taken from her home at 19 months. She was a product of the Assimilation policy. Bessy was removed just the same as most of the other children, pulled obscenely from her mothers arms. She was placed to live in the Annesfield native institution for the next 14 years of her life. Just the same as most of the other Aboriginal children in the homes, she was no longer allowed to make any contact with her family and was subjected to ongoing physical, mental and sexual abuse, malnutrition and humiliation. In some of the institutions the standards of living were degrading just so that the children could have an education and become ‘absorbed’ into the white community, some say it was as if they had been tried to be turned a ‘different shade of white’. The half-caste children were taken under a legislation, which gave guardianship to the protectors in their state of origin. The people that looked after the children once they were removed, once called ‘protectors’, took up the role of paternalism. This gave the parents no right to appeal to the court of law, and the children had no choice in what they did or where they went. After 1940 the children were removed under the general child welfare legislation, but still the way the children were extracted was much the same  as before. Only very gradually did the ritual of separating half-caste children from their homes meet with the general non-Aboriginal practices concerning child abuse and neglect. This came as late as the 1970s, when already tens of thousands of children had been removed. The reason the children were removed was always thought to be for their own benefit, to protect them from themselves, as well as to ‘breed-out’ the Aboriginal race as it was thought that they were less-superior to white people. Some people remember; â€Å"†We were told that our mother was an alcoholic and that she was a prostitute and she didn’t care about us. They used to warn us that when we got older we’d have to watch it because we’d turn into sluts and alcoholics, so we had to be very careful. If you were white you didn’t have that dirtiness in you †¦ It was in our breed, in us to be like that.†Ã¢â‚¬  Although now, there is thought to be not one Aboriginal family that has not been scared by the removal of a child, sibling, niece or nephew. Somewhere between one in three and one in ten children were removed. One in ten is a big number of people to be subjected to the abuse endured, but one in three is preposterous. Some of these children were taken at birth, some at two years of age, some in their childhood years. When the children were removed, they were given a chance at an education that they would never have gotten otherwise. Not all of the children had a horrible up-bringing; some were placed into homes and treated with respect from their foster families. â€Å"†We were all happy together, us kids. We had two very wonderful old ladies that looked after us. It [Colebrook, South Australia] wasn’t like an institution really. It was just a big happy family. Y’know they gave us good teaching, they encouraged us to be no different to anybody else.†Ã¢â‚¬  These children have called themselves the ‘Stolen Generation’. Although all  the State governments in Australia have apologized for the injustice that went on, the Federal Governments still refuse the Aborigines right to an apology or compensation. Bibliography: Told a story that helped with the insight to the cruelty of what really went on in some people’s lives as an affect of assimilation. Explains clearly the Assimilation policy, and the legislations surrounding it. Gave some quotes form people that were removed who grew up with good lives, and bad. Documentary watched with Mrs. Hooks class can’t remember what it was called, but it had people explaining just how much they suffered, even when they had a good life to find out what really happened and where their family might have been for the past 70 years. More informative than internet sites because they were proper interviews.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Organic Foods Essay

When we see the word ? organic’ on a carton of an organic whole milk or on a plastic bottle of Stonyfield Farm’s organic low fat yogurt, the words and phrases such as ? pure’, ? chemical-free’, ? natural’ and ? healthy’ naturally comes to mind, and there is little doubt in these assumptions. Organic foods are dairy, produce and poultry products that were treated with no pesticides, growth hormones, or antibiotics. Organic foods have been generating a lot of hype because of the food safety that it offers an individual. Another reason is the documented claims proving organic foods having a generally fresher taste than their conventional counterparts. And lastly, organic foods offer much more healthy benefits, meaning it has a higher nutritional amount than a non? organic food. The question that potential organic consumers seem to ask pertaining to this issue is that is it worth paying for. Even with its higher cost, organic foods are a worthwhile choice for a better health and nutrition. Various tests by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization demonstrated that some apples, such as the Golden Delicious, scored higher taste scores when grown organically. Also, because organic farms tend to be smaller, they often sell their products closer to the point of harvest. Thus, organic fruits and vegetables taste more farm fresh than comparable conventional produce. However, organic foods might also have more flavor because organic farmers often breed with taste instead of marketability as the primary factor. Conventional tomatoes, for example, are often bred to be perfectly red and round, to match the ideal appearance of a tomato, meaning that taste is an attribute that has a lower priority in these products. In addition to crop diversity and selection practices, organic farming emphasizes soil nutrition, which can positively influence the taste of the food. The main criticism surrounding organic food is that its costs are expensive and is elitist, because of how only rich people can afford it. The magazine Consumer Reports stated in its article â€Å"When It Pays to Buy Organic† that typical organic foods costs from 50% to 100% the price of conventional items, but according to a Primary Health Care article, published studies concluded that an organic produce is packing with a significant increase in nutrients and dry matter. Organic produce has 27% more Vitamin C, 29. 3% more magnesium, and 21% more iron compared to the non-organic; also contain 26% more dry matter, which means that it does not shrink as quickly when cooked as there is less water that will evaporate. Organic food may seem to be expensive at first glance, but when you look at all the factors that come with the product, it is a better buy in the end. Knowing what organic products to buy, and what not to buy will also help out cut the unnecessary purchases of everything organic. The United States of Department of Agriculture listed apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, red raspberries, spinach and strawberries as the â€Å"dirty dozen† that should be consumed as often as organic. The USDA’s own testing reports that their conventional counterparts accumulate a good number of pesticide residues, which has numerous negative effects. The USDA continues by suggesting to consume organic meat and poultry to help avoid the effects of the mad-cow disease, and buying organic baby food in order to prevent the baby from having exposure to toxins. Organic seafood, on the other hand, were not suggested to be purchased, for there is not enough documentation that it has significant differences with its conventional counterpart. The health benefits that organic products offer just outweigh the costs so far. In 2002, Danny Asami et al.of the Department of Food Science and Technology did a research on the amount of phenolic content (which provides protection against cancer) and Vitamin C content of conventional and organic produces, and concluded that the fruits that were grown organically possessed significantly higher concentrations of both phenolic and Vitamin C. Organic tomatoes have much more lycopene in them, and organic fruits and vegetables contain more flavonoids. Organic milk has its perks too, for Danish Institute of Agricultural Research proclaimed that it has higher amounts of Vitamin E, beta-carotene and several antioxidants than regular whole milk. The food safety that organic products offer can’t be denied either. Pesticides that are often found on non-organic foods have its obvious negative effects, and also some subtle ones. Such effects like immune suppression, hormone disruption, neurological damages are the risks that pesticide residues are leaving in a non-organic food. New studies also show that pesticides are capable of being passed from the woman’s womb to its offspring, which may cause numerous implications to the fetuses’ brain. Unfortunately, organic products do contain pesticide remains at all, however for the people who seek to reduce the risks of a pesticide residue, organic products are a much better option. Organic foods can not only give us peace of mind, but it provides us with such substance that non-organic food is lacking. It gives us the freshness that nature has intended for us all along, and in a society where health gives us power, we cannot go wrong on eating healthy and enjoying it at the same time. Our health is worth everything, so while the cost may be too steep, the profits that it brings back to us are far more redeeming.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Drug And Drug Testing In The Roles Of The New Drugs

The United States have to go through a broad review in order to get the approval process by the Unites States Food and Drug Administration before any drugs can be prescribed to any of it patients. By the end of the year 2016, according to the 3.2 billion drugs were ordered from many physician practice for there patients (CDC, 2016). Many of these good and some are harmful drugs have bombarded numerous of pill bottles. Currently, the drugs supposed to go through a process of development, and next approval before being introduce/marketing to patients as well as consumers. However, having a clear outlook at the procedures that should be required to market drugs from the beginning to the end. Also, topics about the testing in†¦show more content†¦The main purpose of clinical trails is to grasp a clear understanding of drugs relation with the human body. First, the drug company would conduct an Investigational New Drugs Process for the review board of the FDA to approve (F DA, 2014). About fifty to one hundred healthy volunteers would study the drug and monitor for any interaction and dosing only if the body can tolerate it, focusing mainly on the side effects. Second, phase two would have sick patients to be studied for many months up to two years or longer to see the therapeutic effects of the drugs (FDA, 2014). Next, phase three which could take one to four years to complete. The huge number of patients, it is crucial because these pivotal trails done by researcher would assist in determine if the new drug can be a viable treatment and benefit to the growing disease population. Now that all the clinical trails are done, the drug company can file a New Drug Application to the FDA for review and approval. Last, the new drug will go to the market. The drug company must still provide the FDA with data, studies, and analyses for the FDA to review the new drug. If the new drug is viewed to be safe by the FDA, the new drug will be approved and advan ce to the next stage of which is labeling (FDA, 2014). For example, a Zantac tablet, known as ranitidine isShow MoreRelatedThe Drug Development And Approval Process1179 Words   |  5 PagesKrishna (2008) article, the drug development and approval process is an extensive and costly endeavor. The goal of experimental medicine is to increase the efficiency of drug development by providing a better understanding of the drug’s mechanism(s) of action, dose response, efficacy, and safety, allowing the process to be accelerated for the most promising and efficacious candidates (Krishna, Herman, Wagner, 2008). Preclinical testing begins with identifying the ideal drug target. The target shouldRead MoreHow Society Is Affected By Drug Usage In Sport?1540 Words   |  7 PagesDrugs have been a problem in our society for years. 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